Update from KC of MA President Laurie Parsons
September 20, 2022

We held our 2nd annual KCMA Golf Tournament on Tuesday September 20,2022. As I reflect on the event I am overwhelmed with the generosity and dedication that was evident in the room at dinner at the end of the night. We had a very successful day not only with the generous amount of money we were able to generate but more importantly with the support and dedication and commitment from all the golfers, board members and volunteers. This event highlighted the goodness in people which often times we seem to overlook. I would like to share with you a very special story from the day, well actually it starts well before the event. We have a donor Aram Kalashian that always steps up to donate sports memorabilia to our events, we don’t even have to ask as soon as he hears we have something scheduled he calls or sends me a text and says here is what I have for you!

We can always count on his kindness and support. Well, he reached out to me to tell me that he had an authentic Mac Jones autographed helmet that he would like to donate. Wow that is something every Patriot fan would love to own! So, there was our first act of kindness. Then we have a member of our fundraising team Attorney Ryan Benharris whose office (Law offices of Deborah G. Kolh) not only sponsored a Tee Box but also bought a foursome to the event. Ryan called me two days before the event and told me that the foursome he had was no longer available and he was looking for 4 golfers to fill the spot. The foursome was ultimately given to four Massachusetts State Police. The four young golfers we so excited to be able to play in the tournament and to be able to play at Indian Ridge Country Club.

After everyone was done golfing, we held the dinner and silent auction. Three of the troopers stayed for the dinner and bid and won the autographed Mac Jones helmet! They wanted the helmet because they want to donate it to the fundraising event for fallen officer Tamar Bucci.

I was overcome with emotion with the story and at the end of the night during my speech to thank all the attendees I relayed the details of the acts of kindness. The room exploded in applause and the officers were given a standing ovation! The entire story still brings tears to my eyes and said more to me about mankind than I can ever express. So, all I can say is thank you to everyone who made this an event to remember!